Internal regulations

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Révision datée du 15 septembre 2020 à 17:49 par Jr-garnier (discussion | contributions) (Page créée avec « '''Version from June 7th, 2018''' This document aims to define the different rules that should be followed by every person part of the Supélec Rézo Rennes association.… »)
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Version from June 7th, 2018

This document aims to define the different rules that should be followed by every person part of the Supélec Rézo Rennes association. Members of the association will be referred to as "users" and the Supélec Rézo Rennes association as "Rézo". The term "active" members is defined as members working voluntarily for the Rézo.

Failure to comply with these internal regulations or any attempt to circumvent the rules or limitations set up by the Rézo may result, without notice and in addition to the sanctions provided for by CentraleSupélec and the legislation in force, in the temporary or permanent disconnection of the user. The user is in any case invited to submit, if he/she so wishes, written and/or oral comments to the Rézo management committee. However, any decision remains at the discretion of this committee.

Membership fee

Before obtaining the status of member, any person must pay a membership fee of 60\,\texteuro/year or 6\,\texteuro/month. The fee must be paid in euros (\texteuro), either in cash or by cheque made out to Supélec Rézo Rennes. The Management Committee reserves the right to grant other payment terms, or specific periods pro rata to the amount fixed per month, if the need is justified.

At the end of the period offered by the amount paid, users automatically lose their status within the association, and the information concerning them may be automatically deleted, with the exception of that defined by Article R10-13 of the Post and Electronic Communications Code, which must be kept for one year.


The Rézo is commited to making the necessary efforts to maintain an Internet access, within reasonable limits, taking into account the student status of its "active" members. This includes handling incidents related to this access as soon as possible. However, the Rézo does not guarantee access under any circumstances if the source of the problem comes from the user's equipment. The "active" members of the Rézo are of course willing to help solving problems, depending on the "active" members' availability.

The Rézo also provides users with other services. However, the latter are not covered by any guarantee whatsoever. For example, the Management Committee reserves the right to add, modify or delete services at any time and without notice. They are subject to rules of use specified on a case-by-case basis.


The Rézo reserves the right to modify at any time the rules in force on the network. Any user who is disatisfied with these new rules can obtain a disconnection with a partial refund of the fee based on the number of months remaining to the user, with any month started being due in full.

By the present contract, the user releases the Rézo from any responsibility concerning the activities he carries out, and accepts to assume full responsibility for them. The Rézo is in no way responsible for any damage inflicted on the user's machines, whether it is an infection by a virus, or any other type of attack. The user is invited to take all necessary precautions to avoid compromising his machines or those of other users.

Membership of the Rézo therefore implies compliance with some basic rules set out below:

  • Monitoring at any time the streams emitted by one's machines. Users will be held responsible for any infringement, whether or not beyond their control, that has been committed from their machines.
  • Do not share access with non-members of the Rézo, under penalty of expulsion without refund.
  • In particular, comply with the provisions of Articles 323-1, 323-2, 323-3 of the Criminal Code, stipulating the prohibition of fraudulent entry and/or continued fraudulent use in information systems, and Law No. 2009-1311 (also known as "loi Hadopi 2"), aimed at punishing violations of copyright and related rights committed on the Internet.

Confidentiality of data

The Rézo reserves the right to analyse user traffic by automated processing for the purposes of flow regulation, security controls, and/or verification of the application of these regulations. The data collected will either be deleted immediately after processing, "anonymised", or collected to comply with Article R10-13 of the Post and Electronic Communications Code.

"Non-anonymised" data of users may only be stored with their explicit consent. On the other hand, deletions may be made by the Rézo without notice or justification. Under the French Data Protection Act, users have the right to access/modify/delete their personal data.